7 things you should know about a MOOC What is a MOOC? Educause.
- MOOC-list,
- Open Educational Resources (Embracing OER & MOOCs to TRANSFORM EDUCATION…?)
- Educational portal (List of Free Online Information Technology Courses and Classes)
- The Open Education Consortium
- MOOC 4.0: The Next Revolution in Learning & Leadership
- Learning and the Massive Open Online Course (Educause 2013)
- MOOCs, every letter is negotiable
Some providers
- Mooc Providers
- Coursera
- edX
- FutureLearn
- OpenupEd
- Udacity
- France Université Numérique
- MIT Open Courseware
- Pedagogy of Coursera
- Building a Coursera Course (Duke CIT – Center For Instructional Technology)
- The Pedagogy of MOOCs, PowerPoint Paul Stacey
- The pedagogical foundation
- The pedagogical foundation of MOOCs
- SPOCs (Havard), Leiden University) Small Private Online Courses. Still open but restricted to much smaller numbers: tens or hundreds
- Distributed open collaborative course or Docc. It doesn’t deliver a centralized singular syllabus to all the participants. Rather it organizes around a central topic. At participating colleges, professors will base their own courses on each weekly theme, sharing course materials and assignments but customising them for their own students.
- How to give a presentation in a MOOC: A Few Reminders.
HarvardX and MITx Report on 4 Years of Open Online Courses
- Coursera Help Center: Help articles and Community Forums for participants