Design Blended Learning

Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning Higher Education

What are possible uses in ICT in Education and what are their added values?

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Possibilities to present and to make accessible all kinds of information (besides a book and the lectures). Enrich your course.

  1. Notifications concerning a course or a teacher are easily sent to all students through the VLE (virtual learning environment, like Moodle) . Often, this stimulates the student to open Moodle regularly.
  2. All course materials are presented to the student through a VLE (virtual learning environment, like Moodle). Teachers could change the contents of the course when necessary. In principle a hard copy of the syllabus e.d. is not available.
  3. All kinds of relevant illustrations of the subject matter can be used (colour)pictures, audio-recording, video-recordings, animations, games, etc. The multimedia material can be presented in Moodle. Copyright is often no problem in higher education.
  4. Extra explanations of difficult subjects or skills are presented.
  5. Extra background information (articles, websites, blogs, ….) is available. The student will, for example, need this information when they are solving a case problem.
  6. Use the possibility of a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section. Often, students will have questions and standard-answer are sufficient.
  7. ……………….

Strengthen the learning process of the students.

  1. Students can do a progress-test to test if (s)he already reached the expected level required by the teacher.
  2. Often, in the classroom, there is no time for extra exercises. VLE (Moodle) is used to present extra exercises with feedback, which should be used in self-study. Sometimes small groups of students are organized to discuss their results.
  3. The results of the assignment are sent to the teacher. (S)he evaluates the result in their own time. Often a standard list to be used in the assessment is available. (S)he sends the feedback through the Internet to the students. An interesting possibility for evaluating papers and bachelor’s thesis is a computer check for plagiarism.
  4. Students can find in Moodle additional exercises for extra training of important competencies.
    The student can deliver the results of an assignment or a paper at any time (however before the deadline). There is no need to come to the school. The teacher has a complete digital file of all assignments. Because the results of an assignment do not impact the final grade (in this example), there is no need to check all the answers. The teacher assesses a small number of student’s solutions until she knows all the important mistakes. The teacher will report these in her lecture.
  5. In other courses, first, the students have to check the results of three colleagues and write down their evaluations. The student might improve their result. The teachers check the evaluation and the improvements.
  6. The problem-solving competencies are exercised with the help of cases the student should solve and explain. The cases reflect important aspects of the actual working environment.
  7. ………………….

Possibility of studying at your own time, place and group

  1. Materials on the Internet are always available. The student can use it in his/her own time and place.
    Students can study (besides the F2F contacts) by him/herself with the help of the assignments presented on the Internet in his/her own time and place. This means there is no need for the students to come the school. They study at home, supported through the VLE (Moodle)
  2. The student can follow a teacher’s presentation again through a video recording. The students can easily find the relevant parts of the lecture they want to hear.
  3. Availability of a Frequently Asked Question section on the website of VLO (Moodle). For a course, but also the student administration. 

Strengthen relationships with the working field (Hospitals, health centres)

  1. Use of real special selected cases (from simple to complex, from easy to difficult theory, from 0,5 hours to 5 weeks). Cases represent the typical activities, situations and problems from the professional field.
  2. A student’s competencies are followed during the educational career with the help of a portfolio.  The competencies and the assessment criteria are checked with the professional field. Students are only allowed to start an Internship if they have mastered the competencies to a certain level.
  3. Students must do a test before entering the internship or other practical activities in the school.
  4. ………………

Interactivity between the students and the teacher(s)

  1. Students join a discussion in a forum at any time they want. The results are discussed in the classroom. The participation can be registered in an ELO(?)
  2. Students can be involved in the assessment of a paper. For example, all students have to evaluate two papers with the help of an assessment checklist. The teacher will give the final scores. Sometimes the checklist is discussed and formulated during the course.
  3. …………

Jan Nedermeijer, October 2013


    1.  Blended Learning Toolkit (
    2. Falkink, E., Reitzema, H., & Zeddeman, M. M. (2017, mei). Handreiking Blended learning. Hogeschool Rotterdam. Retrieved from:
    3. Judi Harris & Mark Hofer,  School of Education, College of William & Mary  Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, Learning Activities Types
    4. W. Peursen, P. van Eyl, S. Wagenaar, A. Queslati and V. Philipsen (2007) Projectverslag E-merge OP 5.7 Ontwikkeling en dissemination van een didactisch model voor blended learning (development and dissemination of a didactisch model for Blended Learning). E-merge (Dutch).
    5. M. Svinicki and W.J. McKeachie. (2011). McKeachiess Teaching Tips. Wadsworth 13th edition.

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