Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

Collegerama (TU Delft).
Collegerama was developed by the Technical University Delft.

Example of a lecture related to the power points.
It can be used for a complete lecture. Or to prepare short presentations by the teacher in which he or she explains difficult subjects which are often not well understood in more detail, with more examples, etc.


Collagerama is used to record classes given by the TU Delft. The recording includes a video image of the speaker and the screen registration showing the presentation or the digital blackboard of Collegerama. In the recording, both the speaker and the computer image are displayed simultaneously. However, showing only the speaker or the computer image is also possible.
Recorded lectures will be posted on Blackboard. Afterwards, the recordings can be edited, cropped or chopped up so the essence of the story is more prominent. These edited recordings can, in turn, be converted to a vodcast, which can be viewed with an iPod.

Recordings can also be broadcast live. In this case, the images are also available outside the TU Delft. The speaker must have permitted this.
The recordings can be published outside the borders of the TU Delft through Open Educational Resources.

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