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1. Task oriented learning

  1. Students study actively in the classroom, in small groups or self-study to master the learning objectives instead of just listening passively. This enables complex learning. The students learn to apply their knowledge in the assignments in the classroom or their self-study. The assignments are focused on learning tasks relevant to the learning objectives. The students will get feedback after finishing the assignments. The complexity and size of the assignments increases during the study years.
  2. The expectations that the teacher have concerning the learning of the students are transparently described in the course book. The learning objectives of the course are logically related with the other courses in the curriculum through the learning tracks.
  3. Teachers and/or tutors support the self-study of the students. During their study the students will have to study increasingly independently (= scaffolding).
  4. A practical principle is: Time-on-task. More hours of meaningful studying results in more learning. The design task for teachers is to find meaningful learning activities which stimulate the students to study regularly instead of waiting until just before the test.