Author(s): D. Christopher Brooks Dana C. Gierdowski, April 5, 2021
In the fall of 2020, EDUCAUSE conducted a special study to gain insights into the student experience during what has been an exceptional time of disruption. In these reports, we share our results from the study related to student experiences with technology in the for-credit courses they were taking in fall 2020 in which they felt they were learning the most, as well as experiences, issues and pain points students had with connectivity—specifically internet and device access—as they did their academic work in 2020.
The studies include key findings from our analysis of students’ responses, concrete next steps your institution can take in response to those findings, and opportunities for connecting with peers who are implementing innovative practices.
Student Experiences With Connectivity and Technology in the Pandemic : Key Findings and Steps You Can Take
Student Experiences Learning with Technology in the Pandemic: Key Findings and Steps You Can Take
See also the summary of the Educause evaluation study from Rhea Kelly 15 Mistakes Instructors Have Made Teaching with Technology in the Pandemic on the website campus technology.
These studies give an interesting insight into which elements are perceived as important by teachers and students. Based on these articles, a short checklist is made to evaluate your blended learning and online learning programs. You can use the checklist to decide how you like to proceed with your online education or blended learning activities.