Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

Lessons Learned from Online Education, Shannon Riggs, April 15, 2020.
From the website Educause Review: Transforming Higher Ed

In the article, an overview is given of experienced online teachers’ advice to the teachers in regular education on how to use the possibilities of ICT in education.  

Their advice focuses on three areas:
Student-content interaction, where instructors provide active learning experiences for students (meaningful learning activity plus reflection)
Student-student interaction, where instructors structure the learning community and make it clear to students how they should interact with others in the class
Student-instructor interaction, where instructors create a framework for how they will interact with students during the learning experience.’

Click here to read the advice of experienced online teachers. 

Another overview of possible learning activities in blended learning can be found on the Blended Learning website:

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