Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education


Some requirements mentioned by course participants


    1. Availability of equipment in the classroom for role-playing, simulations, games, presenting video, PowerPoint, ….
    2. Availability of technical or laboratory equipment for practical exercise.
    3. Appropriate room or laboratory for skill training.
    4. Equipment and space to prepare (tutor) video
    5. Availability of Internet, Intranet and UPS.
    6. Correct procedure because of privacy (permission person, hospital, ….).
    7. The material fits the level of the students (not too easy, not too tricky, is interesting, ……
    8. The learning objectives are appropriate.
    9. Students are willing and able to realize assignments.
    10. Teachers can prepare and apply new educational practices.
    11. Teachers should work together to realize attractive learning materials and activities of good quality.
    12. Support by IT staff (with experience with Moodle, preparing videos, ….).

    One minute, you are working on your system, and the very next minute, you may lose all your work because of the power cut.
     An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is a hardware device that provides a backup power source in case of a power outage (blackout), brownout, or surge in power. UPS gives your system time to settle every task before it shuts down.

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