Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

Procrastination is delaying tasks or decisions until the last minute

The conclusions in this article are very interesting and helpful. They explain a lot about the problems concerning study success.

1. University students delay preparing and submitting their assignments & presentations and preparing for the examinations. They become self-exclusive in participating in classroom activities, working in groups and collaborative or cooperative work, displaying their work in classrooms or exhibitions for competitions due to fear of criticism, and even reading/ or working on assignments in the library. They feel hesitant and shy about taking academic initiatives and starting work on an assignment, presentation, or other academic work.

2. Students appeared to procrastinate and were unable to complete their work in time due to their illness, social and family problems, lack of motivation and interest; overconfidence, laziness, negative attitude of their teachers, lack of guidance and counselling or mentoring from teachers, negative comments of teachers on their work: assignments and presentations, lack of coordination with their class fellows, too much work at the same time to complete resulting in academic stress, the habit of dependency, communication gap, and enjoying the company of their class fellows. Sometimes, some unseen problems/ or circumstances compel students to delay in their academic work.

3. Procrastination has negative effects on the learning of students, resulting in their low achievements in examinations, or it causes failure in the examinations, or it creates fear of examinations, resulting in depression and anxiety, lowering their morale. They feel hesitation in starting their academic work, losing their competitive spirit. Students become prey to an inferiority complex, and finally, they discontinue their studies.

4. Procrastinating students cannot manage their studies, and they search for shortcuts to overcome their academic deficiencies using unfair means. Low achievements and consistent failures develop hostile and intimidating attitudes among university students, resulting in the development of insulting and aggressive temperaments. They involve themselves in immoral practices, deteriorating their morality. Procrastination creates some unhealthy practices associated with unaccepted social attitudes or values, including addiction. Such problems develop de-motivation among university students, resulting in the habits of drinking, smoking and taking sleeping pills at night, which make them passive, creating anxiety & depression and consequently, they discontinue or withdraw from their studies.


5. The remedial measures on how to control or minimize procrastination include the provision of proper guidance and counselling services at the campus, appreciation and positive comments on students’ assignments, presentations, group work, displays and other academic activities, provision of appropriate encouragement and reward to students on their good academic performance, developing and maintaining academic relationships with fellow students and teachers and sharing problems with each other for their catharsis and to seek an appropriate solution through a consultative process, division of work or assigning the work to the students according to their potential and aptitude to reduce or minimize the procrastination among university students.

See also Procrastination

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