Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

Possible Educational functions which are supported or enabled by IT

Give information or explanations

  1. Present digital syllabi, articles, background info
  2. Give notifications through Google Classroom
  3. Present the study guide, FAQ
  4. Present additional tutor video’s
  5. Present presentations to teachers or guest lecturers
  6. Present case studies or examples
  7. Present images (YouTube-), video, audio, serious games, simulations, 3D, and Animations (use a particular server)
  • Use of hyperlinks to apply possibilities of the Internet of digital books
  • Present the glossary with (defined) concepts
  • Use Ecourses, MOOCs and SPOCs in your course


Support self-study and study in the classroom

  1. Offer virtual study questions and assignments
  2. Offer remedial teaching to acquire the entry-level
  3. Present study questions and study assignments
  4. Present assignments with challenging topics
  5. Apply fixed deadlines for delivering an assignment
  6. Give correct answers for the questions/assignments to the students.

Strengthen preparation for the follow-up study.

  1. Provide assignments relevant to the discipline.
  2. Introduce work settings, problems, issues, ….
  3. Connect with professional websites and software.


Communicate between students and between students and the teacher(s)

  • Send file documents to students and the teacher(s)
  • Divide students into (sub)groups
  • Assess products by the fellow-students
  • Support the group work with all kinds of plugins
  • Enable discussion through a discussion forum

Test and give feedback

  • Administer a (self-study of progress) test
  • Give students feedback on assignments
  • Combine test results with the additional assignment(s)
  • Keep an actual overview of the study results from students
  • Check for plagiarism
  • Use the opportunity to send ‘results’ to the teacher and colleague students for feedback.

Evaluate your education

  1. Evaluate a course with the help of a questionnaire
  2. Use the results of course analytics in VLE

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