Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education


Tekst Jan Nedermeijer, March 2022

Educational situation
The pedagogical set-up of the flipped classroom is the reverse of a traditional course in which the teacher explains the basic subject matter, which the students then study at home and where they then pass a test. In the flipped classroom, students study the basic material independently and at their own pace, and the teachers no longer have to explain the basic knowledge, which the students can easily acquire through self-study.

In the F2F lecture, working group or class, the teachers provide additional explanations where necessary. For example, based on questions submitted in advance by students or the results of the submitted assignments.

Expected benefits
The F2F lecture, working group or class is mainly aimed at students learning to apply the studied subject matter in relevant assignments. As a result, the students are more engaged and motivated to participate actively in group activities than in traditional courses.
A second benefit is that students will spend more time on their studies. The expected result is that their test results will improve.

Pedagogical options on how to design the learning process

The subject matter that the students have to study is, on the one hand, offered through the textbook. On the other hand, the students in the VLE are offered additional digital learning resources. For example, the pre-recorded video lecture by the teacher (if possible, short, interactive videos, practice assignments, a practice test, tutor videos and other digital learning resources.

To ensure that the students carry out the desired preparations, they send the results of some assignments to the teacher via the VLE. The lecturers then gain insight into whether the students have prepared themselves properly. The teacher can provide targeted feedback in the F2F meeting by assessing the assignment results.

F2F activities are partly supported using the VLE.

  • A question and answer session on the meaning of the core concepts studied.
  • A debate.
  • Presentations by the students.
  • Conducting experiments.
  • Solving problems (individually or in small groups).
  • Peer assessment
  • • …….

Some additional  pedagogical IT-options

  • Offering additional learning materials to close any gaps in the knowledge of certain groups of students.
  • For specific important but challenging topics, short e-learning courses, animations, simulations and the like can be searched on the Internet or made extra. This often concerns teaching materials you do not make updates every year.
  • In addition to the individual study, online collaboration can also be organised.

Online Format

  1. The video lecture is divided into three lectures of 10 minutes, making them interactive to activate the students to study. If necessary, additional information is presented through the VLE. Follow the advice on presenting and contacting the students in the digital room. (see ….). Give some test questions about the lectures and discuss results in an online lecture.
  2. Exercise with the cases approach in the breakout room in the workgroups with the co-teachers. The meeting could be f2f and (if necessary) extra hired available rooms. If there is a complete lockdown, you need complete online solutions, or maybe groups of 4 -6 are possible. Students organise these groups. The teacher sends the results, and he gives a reaction and explanation.
  3. The simple cases are prepared in separate groups. The results are sent to the teacher through the VLE. Follow the advice on how to discuss the results. You can check in the VLE  how many students have sent the results.

If possible, organise subgroups in and outside the university.

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