Design Blended Learning

Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning Higher Education


Overview of pedagogical tips and tricks using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) like Moodle

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When you launch the VLE, stimulate the students’ use of a VLE. For this, there are several possibilities.

  1. Solve all possible problems with the software and hardware.
    There should be no unnecessary problems like the students not being able to use a computer; the institute’s communication should work correctly. The introduction of the VLE often failed because of all kinds of technical problems: they have to be solved before.
  2. Combine activities in the VLE with education and Self-study activities.
  3. Enable the students to learn how to profit using the VLE.
  4. Students should experience the clear benefits of using the VLE.
    For example, announcements from the teacher will be given through the VLE. The students can easily see if there are no lessons, if there are new assignments, if there is new content uploaded in the VLE, etc.

And then during your course:

  1. Give the VLE a fixed moment in your lessons. So students understand that using the VLE is necessary to be able to follow the lessons. For example, finish the assignments by reading articles or chapters in a book or a website.
  2. Regulate the use of the VLE in time. Do not plan too little or too much time for the VLE activities, and be clear about the objectives of using the VLE.
  3. Make effective use of possible deadlines in the VLE to organize the students’ learning and working processes.
    For example, the students must hand in their products before a fixed time.
  4. Work with a pleasant and (standard) organized VLE. Standard means that that layout and the separate elements of the VLE are used in all courses in the same way.
  5. Address the students personally, if possible.
  6. Be clear about the function of the Internet in the course.
    For example, should the students study all the new information and all the exercises?
  7. Embed the VLE in supporting the self-study activities, which focus on cooperation and exchanging information between the students and teachers and students.
  8. Follow the rules for effective use of a discussion forum.
    For example, you need a moderator; students are not used to giving a reaction in the discussion forum.
  9. Use the possibilities of presenting authentic tasks and examples in the VLE by using multimedia.
  10. Apply the possibilities of testing with fast feedback in the VLE.
  11. Give the VLE a role in student assessment.
    For example, use examples of test questions so students learn what the teachers expect from them and know if they understand the contents correctly.
  12. Inform the students about their study progress through the VLE.


See also 8 Tips for Engaging Students in e-Learning and Participating in Activities – Design Blended Learning and Online Education (curriculumdesignhe. eu)


  1. W. Peursen, P. van Eyl, S. Wagenaar, A. Queslati and V. Philipsen (2007) Projectverslag E-merge OP 5.7 Ontwikkeling en dissemination van een didactisch model voor blended learning  (development and dissemination of a didactisch model for Blended Learning). E-merge (Dutch).
  2. M. Svinicki and W.J. McKeachie. (2011) McKeachies’s Teaching Tips. Wadsworth 13th edition.
  3. Blended Learning Toolkit (

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