Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

  • An organizer is a ‘bit of contents: a working procedure, a problem, a systematic overview of contents, a process, a particular case, a poem, or two different examples of the same thing (for example, two different kidneys or two different papers)
  • It has two unique properties for the ‘teacher designer’. The first is that the organizer enables the teacher designer to ‘see’ how they will set up the student’s learning experiences in the course. This insight helps the teacher to make coherent decisions about the objectives, the contents, the learning track, the assignments, the learning methods and the test.
  • Secondly, if used in the course, it gives the students a clear and correct insight into what they will learn and why. The organizer serves as an organizer and stimulator of students’ learning experiences. It focuses the students on the main aims of a particular course.
  • Some examples include the advance organizer from Ausubel (see BL organizer).

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