Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

  • Prepare the test plan for a program (plan the tests in time, decide on the types of tests to be used for the individual courses, decide on official procedures and plan resits).
  • The examination format is related to the aims, learning objectives, competencies or both. This requires using different testing methods.
  • Compensation for a negative score with good scores for other courses does (in general) not lead to lower study results and even increases the students’ study progress.
  • Keep an actual overview of the study results of the students, for example, in the VLE. So, the student and the teacher can see the study success of individual students.
  • For MOOCs: There is a growing number of opportunities to organise more summative tests and to do so adequately: Online proctoring (webcam, biometric check, video check, ID-verified certificate- for example, Remote Proctor Now (RPNOW), a test in a traditional examination hall with or without surveillance of the computer screens or the Honour code.

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