Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

In the program/curriculum the students study the main topics, concepts and recent developments relevant in the professional field. Also, the background theories and practices are studied. Teachers’ teams discuss and decide on the learning objectives including content.

Prepare a task analysis:

  1. Select relevant topics, typical problems and recent and future developments in the discipline.
  2. Analyse which tasks the students should learn, which knowledge is necessary and which working attitudes are essential for their professional life.
  3. Analyse which skills have to be learned to finish the tasks.
  4. Decide which skills, knowledge, and attitudes must be developed with your course(s). Decide on the assessment criteria (= what minimum requirements do they need to fulfil?)
  5. Decide which learning and testing activities will be necessary.
    • Students must learn how to find and value information (via the Internet, books and articles) they need to solve (practical) problems. In this way, they learn to use research results in solving practical and research problems according to the evidence-based method.
    • Select the theories, competencies, problems, products, and services you want to include in your course.
    • Keep in mind the learning objectives not only of your course but also the courses of your colleagues.
    • Decide how you want to present the content to the students: lectures, tutor videos, VLE, Books and websites

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