From Paul. A. Kirschner & Mirjam Neelen, June 5, 2018 see No Feedback, No Learning
Feedback is one of the most, if not the most, essential tools for supporting learning. Giving effective feedback has also been one of the most potent educational interventions to improve learning. According to Shank (2017), effective feedback positively affects learning outcomes and motivation to learn and can help build accurate schema. John Hattie (2011) found that giving feedback has a substantial effect on learning, with an effect size of 0,79 (2X the average of all other educational effects)…and the effect of formative feedback (i.e., feedback for learning) is 0,90! In his study on the difference between expert and experienced teachers (we have blogged about that topic here), Hattie found that one of the significant things distinguishing experienced teachers from expert teachers is that expert teachers not only monitor their student’s learning but also give them quality feedback. Click here for the complete text.
This one we only posted last month. This new arrival made it to our all-time number 2! It’s probably because we all agree that feedback is one of the most, if not the most, essential tools for supporting learning. This blog discusses all the ins and outs of effective feedback and feedback detrimental to learning. Paul recently discussed this blog in a podcast as well.