Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

List of areas you may want to consider when planning an online or distance learning course

The following is a list of areas to consider when planning an online or distance learning course.

From: M Svinicki and W.J. Mckeachie, McKeachie’s Teaching Tips, Wadsworth, 13th edition.2011

  1. Course design
    1. Clearly defined course goals and measurable learning objectives
    2. Meaningful activities (assignments) that help students reach learning objectives
    3. Level of student participation and involvement in the teaching/learning process
  2.  Delivery of instruction
    1. Methods of teaching that match well with course goals (e.g., pre¬recorded or interactive lectures via Web conference, case studies)
    2. Technology tools that support teaching and learning activities (e.g., course management systems, blogs, wilds, threaded discussion forums, and synchronous chat rooms)
  3. Communication and interaction
    1. Effective means of communication and interaction between
    2. instructor and students and among students themselves
    3. Frequent feedback from and to students on teaching and learning
    4. Supportive learning community for students to share and exchange (avoid leaving students in isolation)
  4. Assessment of student learning
    1. Clear expectations and standards for assessment (aligned with learning objectives)
    2. A variety of assessment methods that address different learning styles
    3. Flexible assessment methods but rigorous standards

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