Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education


Presentations in the MOOC or tutor videos are prepared meticulously. This means that when the explanation of the lecturer is video-recorded the text, the illustrations etc. have to be exactly known. Often an autocue is used to help the lecturer to give a perfect presentation. This careful preparation differs from a traditional lecture.  

  • Select the learning objectives you want to achieve. What do you want the students to have a better understanding of as a result of the presentation?
  • Identify the key points
  • Structure your key points very clearly (see annexe 1)
  • Think up how to treat the key points (see the explanation of a key point)
  • Think up other possibilities to support the presentation
  • Select possibilities to illustrate or explain topics with pictures, models, video and PowerPoint slides. See annexes 2 and 3.
  • Decide whether you want to make use of questions and tests
  • Decide whether additional knowledge clips are necessary to explain difficult concepts
  • Outline the detailed script for the presentation: Are the qualities to be achieved comprehensible, relevant, interesting and insightful?
  • Prepare the full text of the introduction, an explanation of the key points and the summary. These will be used in the auto cue (if available). Prepare the AV materials.
  • Explain the relationships  between the subject of the course and relevant assignments in the unit
  • Present an overview of the main points and their relevance
  • Possibilities to start the presentation: Rule-example-rule or example-rule-example (rule= a statement, a prequestion, a concept, a definition, a technique, a problem, a procedure, a thesis, a demonstration, an application etc.)
  • Attract the students’ attention.  Spark the interest of the students by a problem, a thesis, a picture.
  • Link up with other study activities and link up with the student’s previous knowledge
  • More detail and explanations
  • Do not try to use too many new concepts in a short period; introduce new concepts step by step.
  • Make use of interesting and relevant examples.
  • Take the logical steps in your explanation not too small or too large.
  • Relate to other points in the unit and the MOOC
  •  Give directions (when relevant) for carrying out a problem-solving procedure or other procedure (model behaviour).
  • Give a systematic summary of the main points
  • Make a link with coming presentations, assignments and tests in the chapter of the MOOC.
  • Make a link with the test
  • Use the English language correctly and have the appropriate vocabulary.
  • Be audible; have a proper speaking rate.
  • Show enthusiasm through facial expression, eye movement/contact, gestures, body movement, vocal delivery, selection of words, use of examples, pictures etc.
  • Breakthrough the monotony through vocal variation in pace, power and tone during the presentation. Other techniques include asking questions and using AV
  • Centre for Instructional technology. Building a Coursera Course. Duke University. Version 2.02013
  • Personal communication Thomas Hurxkens Online-learning laboratory. Leiden University. The Netherlands (2015)
  • J. Nedermeijer, How to give a lecture: a few reminders. 1991 IOWO Radboud University, the Netherlands.
  • D.A. Bligh, What’s the use of lectures? Harmondsworth, 1979
  • M. Svinicki and W.J. McKeachie, McKeachies’s Teaching tips. International Edition Wadsworth, 2012

Annexe 1 Possible organizations of a presentation

  • Hierarchic  classification (point and sub-points)
  • Problem-centered
  • Chain, necklace, spiral ordering or the network of the key points
  •  Comparison, thesis or logical dichotomy

or combinations.

Annexe 2  Use audiovisuals  for various purposes:

  • Emphasize (pre-planned) points
  • Increase the attractiveness of a lecture
  • Bring the outside world (micro and macro) into the MOOC
  • Stimulate the students’ attention and active attention

Annexe 3: Top Ten Slide Tips

  1. Keep it Simple
  2. Limit bullet points & text
  3. Limit transitions & builds (animation)
  4. Use high-quality graphics
  5. Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates
  6. Use appropriate charts
  7. Use colour well
  8. Choose your fonts well
  9. Use video or audio
  10. Spend time in the slide sorter

Jan Nedermeijer, PUM Netherlands Senior Experts. September 2015

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