Description Issues and problems from the professional field are central
- Learning is an active process (See BL: Hattie). Students study actively in the classroom, in groups or in self-study to master the learning objectives, instead of just listening passively. This enables complex learning. The students learn to apply their knowledge in the assignments in the classroom or in self-study. The assignments are focused on learning tasks relevant to the learning objectives. The students will get feedback after finishing the assignments. The complexity and size of the assignments increases during the study years.
- The expectations the teacher has concerning the learning of the students are transparently described in the course book.
- The learning objectives of the course are logically related to the other courses in the curriculum and in the learning tracks.
- Teachers and/or tutors support the self-study of the students. During their study the students will have to study increasingly independently. You should arrange for proper scaffolding.
- A practical principle is: Time-on-task. More hours of meaningful studying results in more learning. The design task for teachers is to find meaningful learning activities which stimulate the students to study regularly instead of waiting until just before the test.
Necessary focus points
- Organise practical sessions (8)
- Focus on Complex learning (30).
- Strengthen relations with the professional or academic field (31).
It does require pedagogical preparation
Another step to modernize
- Provide many assignments related to the discipline (1).
- Consider simulation of the professional operation (48).
- Consider using serious games for learning complex skills (49)
Using IT to support self-study and classroom study
- Introduce students to professional occupations with videos, professional websites, pictures, case studies and projects.
- Give assignments with authentic problems.
- Use the option for peer feedback.
- Organise project work, other group work, and internships focussed on the profession.
- Follow students ‘ students’ competencies with a portfolio.
- Prepare students for internships
- …..
- …..
Design principles
- Design principle 1 Active Learning
- Design principle 2. Issues and problems from the professional field are central
- Design principle 3 Focus explicitly on knowledge
- Design principle 4. Qualities necessary in a nominal program
- Design principle 5 Consider seriously collaborative learning and learning from fellow students
- Design principle 6. Testing and feedback are the motors of students’ learning
- Design principle 7. IT is a must!
- Design principle 8. Possibilities for personal growth