Description Consider seriously collaborative learning and learning from fellow students est.
- Social bonding is important to keep students committed, active and on track.
- The students learn from each other by verbalising and exchanging their knowledge, insights and approaches. Peer learning is often applied in blended learning and MOOCs.
- Students have to learn to work together with other professionals and with clients.
- Tutors (teachers, volunteers, senior students) support and guide the self-study and group assignments. Ideally, tutors are available for support at specified hours.
Design principles
- Design Principle 1 Active Learning
- Design principle 2. Issues and problems from the professional field are central
- Design principle 3: Focus explicitly on knowledge
- Design principle 4. Qualities necessary in a nominal program
- Design principle 5 Consider seriously collaborative learning and learning from fellow students
- Design principle 6. Testing and feedback are the motors of students’ learning
- Design principle 7. IT is a must!
- Design principle 8. Possibilities for personal growth
Necessary focus points
It does require pedagogical preparation
Another step to modernise
- Encourage students and teachers to interact in the course (15).
- Integrate students socially and professionally with the faculty (23).
Options to apply IT to communicate between students and between students and teacher(s)
- Present students’ course information.
- Organise teachers’ availability through e-mail, consulting hours, and FAQ options.
- Formulate clear procedures for e-mail handling.
- Support small or project groups with software.
- Organise a buddy system, involve (student) moderators or stimulate student cooperation.
- Organise a discussion forum, a virtual classroom or E-coaching to support the students.
- Enable the submission of group work results or individual self-study with peer assessment.
- Stimulate F2F and digital student contacts (social software, chat function, etc.).
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