Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

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Game Modern Higher Education.

Many university teachers have organised online education in the last few months. Why not apply some new teaching and learning activities from the online course in your regular blended learning course? How can you use the IT options in combination with face-to-face education? Maybe you will find more possibilities to modernise your F2F and IT education.
The game supports the teachers in deciding which IT options can be used in the coming study year and which requirements must be fulfilled.
The game gives the teachers a systematic overview of the available evidence-based options to modernise their education.
The resulting learning process in the course should be profitable for the students and the teacher. The management has to organise the requirements which are necessary to be able to implement the selected options.

The ‘game’ can be played individually or in small groups.

Learning objectives:

  1. To give the player clear insight into the design principles behind Modern Higher Education and the options for how to apply these principles in higher education.
  2. To select the most promising options to modernise the player’) and formulate the expected results of the implementation (the why question).
  3. To formulate the qualities which have to be realised to achieve the expected learning results.
  4. To prepare a teacher’s team discussion about which options of Modern Higher Education should be introduced in the program and the teacher courses.

The content of the game is

  • The eight main design principles of modern higher education. The principles are explained in more detail.
  • The options for implementing the design principles.
  • The requirements must be realised to enable the players to implement the selected options.

Research evidence and practical experiences support the principles and options. A crucial consideration is that there are no standard solutions or advice. The players have to decide which options will increase the quality of their education.

Some examples of options
Consider entry-level use of remedial study materials.
Feedback by the teacher, the tutor or fellow students.
The results of the self-study are discussed and deepened in F2F,
Present assignments through Moodle/Blackboard.
Illustrate cases, problems or issues with different media.
Social and professional integration in your course.
Check coherence test and learning objectives.
Cooperate with the team of teachers to develop learning tracks.

The options are arranged in the game from two angles: (1) to the eight design principles and (2) to three practical questions: What to do in your class? What preparation by you is necessary? What should be done in the team of teachers?

The players can (de)select the options and will put them in an action plan. There is a possibility teachers can add their options.

All options have a certain level of modernity (based on my opinion): modern (easy/simple solutions), very modern (some new pedagogical approaches) and really modern (but still practical and feasible). At some points in the game, the players get a score for the modernity of their selection. The score should be as high as possible.

Result of the game:
Each teacher has selected 6-7 serious options to modernise their course. In my workshop for teachers in Indonesia and Ghana, the teachers (players) will present and discuss their selection of options. The next step is to think about the How-question and prepare a new Route map for their course. The selected options should be given a place in the learning process of the teachers’ course.

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