Provide many assignments related to the discipline
- In the assignments, the students learn to work with real-life tasks authentically.
- The series of assignments stimulates the motivation of the students.
- The series of assignments supports the students in mastering the learning objectives effectively and efficiently.
o Does the learning trajectory fit with the entry level of the students?
o Do the learning activities fit with each other? Is there a logical learning track?
o Are all learning activities necessary to master the learning objectives?
o Are the learning activities not too broad or cumbersome? Can they be finished within the existing constraints?
o Are there fixed deadlines for delivering an assignment?
o Is there enough just-in-time information available? - The students experience the series of assignments as important, relevant and interesting. They like to finish the assignments.
- Types of assignments are case studies, learning specific tasks or skills, working with models of how to solve the problem, process worksheets, programmed cases etc.
- The opportunity to send ‘results’ to the teacher and/or colleague students for (peer)feedback is useful.