The route map is reworked in the blueprint. The blueprint is updated in the definitive lesson plan with concrete learning materials, study assignments and test activities.
An important question is whether the blueprint sufficiently corresponds with the pedagogical concept, the diamond diagram, the learning environment, the evidence-based educational practices and the formulated qualities.
The main focus of teaching-learning activities | Before the start of the course: expectations? | Topic 1: Introduction and play with and evaluate ICTedu-tools | Topic N |
Activities Teachers Institute “A” | Please select 1 of 2 courses for which the options will be prepared/selected. | Introduction PUM-teacher (PowerPoint)The program and course activities (in Moodle). Lecture Blended learning, possibilities and positive and negative aspects with PowerPoint in the VLE. See and evaluate various ITedu possibilities (in BLOG)Discuss results in duo’s | |
Expected results | Teachers, the technique and the supporting staff are ready to begin. The management clearly states the importance for the university and the teachers. The primary texts are translated. | Develop a growing insight into the possibilities of its options in higher education. | |
Activities PUM-teacher | Prepare the program and the Moodle activities and texts. Prepare the Blog so it can be used in the course. Blog (blended learning course development, various examples and rules for using it options, copyrights, leading developments in Health education and its options. Discuss the program with the participants. Look for Indonesian texts. | PowerPoint, who is the teacher who prepares a Lecture about Blended learning Describe the course presented in the VLE. Preparation overviews of possible functions of it options (to be included in the Blog/Moodle. | |
Activities ICTedu support | Software should work for the participant’s VLE and PowerPoint, video edit and contents mapping software. | Support technical organisation and advise about the use of VLE and PowerPoint. |