Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

6 Blended Learning Models: It’s What’s Up For Successful Student (

Summary: Blended learning is no longer an option for classrooms. The combination of face-to-face instruction and online learning opportunities allows for individualization, flexibility, and greater chance for student success. Educators have 6 models of blended learning from which to choose, so that they can implement a delivery system that works for their classrooms/students.

Blended Learning – It’s What’s Up For Successful Students

Meeting diverse needs of individual students has always been a challenge for teachers. With only so many minutes in a class or so many hours in a day, teachers have struggled to provide for gifted, average, and struggling students, as well as to honor all learning styles. Adding online learning experiences to face-to-face delivery has been one solution to these struggles, and research seems to point to the success of these hybrids.

Educators have developed 6 models for blended learning, and teachers and/or schools select from among them based upon their unique student populations. You can find the description of the models in the website of the elearningindustry.

1-The Face-to-Face Driver Model

2) Rotation Model

3) Flex Model

4) Online Lab Model

5) Self-Blend Model

6) Online Driver Model


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