Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

Option 16. Stimulate students’ motivation in the course Self-determination theory

Ensure high intrinsic motivation of students by:

1. Designing for Competence – setting students tasks that:
•are relevant to their future profession or field of work.
•are challenging, i.e. not too simple and still attainable.
•provide just enough support and guidance to help them complete the tasks.

2. Designing for Relatedness – organising group work that:
•allows them to get connected and stay connected with fellow students and staff.
•requires contributions from all group members.

3. Designing for Autonomy – organising learner control so that:
•students can select their learning resources or even their learning tasks, and they are shown how to do this in a responsible way (“second-order scaffolding”)

(text from J. van Merrienboer, 2015)

See also DP1: C41 Stimulate students’ motivation in the classroom.

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