Design of Evidence-Based Blended Learning in Higher Education

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Firstly, what are the main topics of the website?
  1. What is meant by modern higher education (MHE)?
  2. IT and blended learning are essential in MHE: What options are offered to the teachers by IT?
  3. The introduction of blended learning has consequences for teaching the teachers and the students’ study activities: What can be said about the pedagogical and study skills?
  4. If you want to redesign your course into a blended learning course, How can this be done?
  5. Moodle as the learning environment
  6. ‘How to ……’ and best practices descriptions.


Secondly, I select articles, websites and books about modern higher education that could help me make the courses evidence-based, practical and relevant for the teachers. The website’s content is based on these articles, and they give the teachers relevant (recent) backgrounds, examples of blended learning, and more general information about modern higher education.

Thirdly, the articles and my experience in educational advice in higher education are also used when writing the book Blended Learning and Online Education. Course Design for University Teachers. The book describes how to (re)design and develop blended learning courses in Higher Education. The advice given is evidence-based. The website is meant to provide additional content. Where relevant, I refer in the book to specific posts on the website. On the website, I refer to specific topics in the book: the course design process, design principles for MHE, a summary of IT options and best practices.

To conclude,

  • If you have a question, please formulate the question in the comment. I will answer the question as soon as possible.
  • If you have an interesting example of using IT in higher education from yourself or a colleague, please publish it on this website. You can send me the information. I will post these examples with your name on the website.